8 types of dating relationships


So, you have a crush on someone and you’re trying to figure out how not to act lượt thích an idiot around them? Yeah, we’ve all been there before. We know what that’s like, how rough it can be out there. Even the most cool, calm, & collected of us have probably found themselves awkward and speechless around someone they like sometimes, unsure of what to do.

Bạn đang xem: 8 types of dating relationships

Because the thing about having a crush is that even though it can be fun & exhilarating, when we find someone special who makes our breath catch & sends a hundred butterflies fluttering in our chests, it can also be a terrifying & painfully awkward experience.

So if you’ve been struggling khổng lồ talk khổng lồ your crush, terrified you’re going to bởi something wrong & embarrass yourself in front of them, then worry not. We’re here khổng lồ tell you all the things you should avoid doing around your crush, and after that, you should be fine. With that said, here are 7 things you should definitely NOT vị around your crush:

1. Come on too strong

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with being straightforward. & if you’re one of those rare few who are actually brave enough lớn actually confess to lớn their crush how they really feel, then that’s great. Kudos to lớn you! With that said however, there is a difference between being forthcoming & being too forceful. The last thing you want to bởi is scare your crush off or make them uncomfortable by coming on too strong (e.g., constantly fawning over them, stalking them wherever they go, triple texting them all the time and asking why they don’t reply, và so on). Doing things like this can be an instant turn-off because of how needy and pushy it makes you look, so you’re better off just playing it cool.

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3. Send mixed signals

While playing it cool is better than coming off too strong, you want to be careful not lớn send your crush any mixed signals either. Because if one minute you’re having a really good time talking khổng lồ them, and the next time you see them you act lượt thích they don’t even exist, then how are they even supposed lớn feel? Sending mixed signals lượt thích this makes them think that you don’t care about their feelings & that this is all just a big trò chơi to you. 


5. Pretend khổng lồ be someone you’re not

Now, whether we lượt thích to admit it or not, the truth is, most of us have probably tried khổng lồ change a few things about ourselves to lớn impress our crush and get them to lượt thích us. And hey, that’s okay! It’s only natural that you’d want khổng lồ make a good impression on someone you feel attracted to. The problem, however, lies in trying too hard to lớn the point that we start pretending khổng lồ be someone we’re not! & as cheesy and cliche as it might sound, there’s no denying that if you really wanted your crush to lượt thích you, then you should just be yourself & let them get khổng lồ know the real you. 


7. Overthink everything

Finally, but perhaps most importantly, one of the biggest ways we ruin our own chances with our crush is by overthinking every little thing we vày around them. We get so lost in our own head sometimes, agonizing over every tiny detail — from the way we look, to the way we talk, to the way we come across — that every interaction with them feels like a needlessly complicated emotional rollercoaster. Worst of all, they probably didn’t even notice or don’t even care about any of that stuff you’re overthinking about, so what’s the point? Chill out, take a breath, and relax; it’ll help you be more confident around your crush and let them get khổng lồ know the real you.


So, bởi vì you relate to lớn any of the things we’ve enumerated here? Have you ever done any of these 7 things you shouldn’t bởi vì around your crush? Well, even if you answered yes, that’s okay. At least you know better now. And hey, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about! We all act a little silly and tongue-tied around people we like sometimes, we’ve been there! What matters most is that you stay true to lớn yourself and just take things slow. Then, when you’re confident enough, shoot your shot & see what happens. We’ll be rooting for you.