How to improve your english pronunciation in 7 easy steps


Accurate pronunciation is an important part of learning any language, và especially when you’re learning English. The way your speech sounds can have a big impact on whether or not people understand what you are saying và their initial impression of you. The tricky thing about pronunciation is that it not just a question of acquiring knowledge, it’s a physical skill that you need to lớn practise regularly.

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How to improve English pronunciation

There are no shortcuts lớn perfect pronunciation, however there are some ways you can practise more kemhamysophie.comfectively & improve your skills faster. Follow our ten đứng đầu tips, start improving your pronunciation today and take a step closer towards your goal of perfect English pronunciation.

Listen to lớn yourselfSlow down!Picture it…Get physical!Watch yourselfCopy the expertsPractice English aloneFind a language buddyPay attention lớn intonation và stressSing a song!

Listen khổng lồ yourself

It’s often difficult to lớn hear pronunciation errors in your own speech because you are concentrating actually communicating rather than the sound you are making. If you can’t hear your pronunciation problems, it’s tough to correct them. Try recording your speech with your điện thoại or PC & making a cảnh báo of specific areas you need to improve on.

Slow down!

Many English learners think that speaking fluently means they need khổng lồ speak fast. This is wrong. Speaking too fast reinforces bad habits & makes the speaker sound nervous và indecisive. Speaking slowly will give you time lớn breathe properly and think about what you want to say next. Because it gives you time khổng lồ think while you are speaking, you’ll feel more relaxed & be able to lớn concentrate on making your English sound fantastic.

Picture it…

Close your eyes & think about how to lớn make a sound bkemhamysophie.comore saying it. Visualize the positioning of your mouth & face. If you have studied with the phonemic chart, think about the sound you are making and how it relates khổng lồ other English phonemes. If you have used diagrams of the mouth and tongue, think about the shape you need to lớn make inside your mouth if you want to make the sound correctly.

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Get physical!

Pronunciation is a physical skill. You’re teaching your mouth a new way lớn move & using different muscles. Focus on difficult sounds each day. Having trouble with ‘th’? Put your tongue between your teeth (don’t bite down) và blow air out of your mouth. Feel the air move over the vị trí cao nhất of your tongue.

Copy the experts

There’s no replacement for learning pronunciation from the experts – native-speakers. So listen! Listen khổng lồ English radio programs và watch television & movies in English. Imitate what you’re hearing – even if you’re not sure what they’re saying yet.

Practice English alone

Pronunciation problems persist because we’re afraid to make mistakes. Create scenarios – meeting someone for the first time, ordering at a restaurant, asking for directions – then act out the dialogue by yourself. Don’t be shy.

Find a language buddy

Getting feedback from an outside observer is crucial. Find a friend who’s also interested in improving their English. Try exchanging recorded messages so you can listen closely khổng lồ each other’s pronunciation.

Pay attention lớn intonation and stress

Good pronunciation is more than just mastering individual sounds. It’s also understanding intonation (the rise và fall of the voice) and stress (some sounds in words và some words in sentences are louder or clearer than others). Read poems, speeches và songs aloud, concentrating on the word stress and intonation.Give each of these tips a try next time you have a chance và find out which of them works best for you. Remember, none of them is an instant fix but they will all help you reach your goals as part of regular practice. Are you ready lớn improve your English pronunciation?

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Wil is a writer, teacher, learning technologist và keen language learner. He’s taught English in classrooms và online for nearly 10 years, trained teachers in using classroom and web technology, and written e-learning materials for several major websites. He speaks four languages và is currently looking for another one to start learning.