Writing a resignation letter in singapore


First impressions count but final impressions can have a lasting impact too. The resignation process is a step that you will encounter in your career, và one that should uphold your professional reputation and personal branding.

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With our experience in Singaporean recruitment services, you can look forward khổng lồ your new role confident that you have left a positive final impression with your past employer.


How lớn resign

Resigning from a job isn’t easy but chances are you’ll have several employers over the course of your career so it’s important to lớn know how to quit while keeping your professional reputation in good shape.

Discover how to lớn resign professionally in Singapore by clicking here.


Resignation letter templates

Not sure what to say in a resignation letter? Use our resignation letter examples lớn get the tone and wording right, & finish with your current employer on a positive note.

For more information on resignation letter templates, click here.


How to lớn serve your notice period professionally

Your notice period can seem like a waiting game but it pays to lớn put those last few days khổng lồ good use tying up loose ends and supporting colleagues as you prepare to lớn move on.

For more information on how to lớn serve your notice period in Singapore, click here.


What to vày after being made redundant

Redundancy can happen lớn anyone in Singapore, và it can be an experience that leaves your confidence dented và your certainty about the future shattered. The key lớn surviving redundancy is using every opportunity lớn get your career back on track.

Learn how to survive redundancy by clicking here.


Withdrawing your resignation

Are you merely having a case of cold feet, or are you making a mistake by leaving your current job? Here are some steps to take when you’re considering withdrawing your resignation.

Xem thêm: Top 19 Ghép Chữ Thư Pháp Vào Ảnh Online Mới Nhất 2022, Viết Tên Bằng Chữ Thư Pháp

For more information on how lớn withdraw your resignation, click here.

Send us your resume

Our staffing specialists will reviews your resume and liên hệ you if we find a position that matches your qualifications.

How lớn write a resignation letter

A resignation letter should be khổng lồ the point and straightforward. It only needs to lớn kemhamysophie.comprise a few paragraphs stating that you are resigning, the date of your last day and thanking your employer. 

Keep your resignation letter simple và it’s hard khổng lồ go wrong. Even if your experiences with your current employer haven’t been positive, resist the temptation khổng lồ point out everything you believe is wrong with the kemhamysophie.company or to lớn name difficult colleagues. Your resignation letter will be the final point of written liên hệ with your manager – and it may be held on tệp tin indefinitely. So stick to the basics. That way, if your current manager refers to your letter when asked to lớn provide a reference in the future, your professionalism will shine through.

Offer to lend a hand

It’s likely you are the person who is best-placed to lớn help train your replacement, và noting in your letter that you are happy to lớn lend a hand bringing the new recruit up khổng lồ speed can mean a great deal to your manager. It demonstrates that you are genuinely kemhamysophie.committed khổng lồ the continued success of your team & the kemhamysophie.company, and this helps to lớn create a strong final impression.

If a replacement is not found before you leave, consider noting in your letter that you are available to tương tác even after you have moved on from the kemhamysophie.company.

Express your thanks

Thanking your manager for the time spent working for the kemhamysophie.company isn’t just a matter of courtesy, it also strengthens your professional reputation. All kemhamysophie.companies invest time in their staff, and regardless of whether it was experience gained on the job or attendance at formal training seminars, it’s likely your skillset has expanded during your time with the organisation.

There’s no need khổng lồ gush over your thanks. A brief paragraph expressing your gratitude for the experiences gained in the role và the opportunities provided will be sufficient khổng lồ demonstrate your professional courtesy.

It’s not necessary khổng lồ explain your resignation

Before handing over your resignation letter, set a date to have a one-on-one meeting with your manager. This is your opportunity khổng lồ explain why you are resigning – though keep the conversation positive. There is nothing to lớn be gained from elaborating on the failings of the kemhamysophie.company, your manager or co-workers.

However, when it kemhamysophie.comes khổng lồ your resignation letter, it’s not necessary to explain why you are leaving or which kemhamysophie.company you will be working for next. You may choose to chia sẻ this information with your team but it’s not essential to lớn put it in writing.

Maintain a positive tone

You may be counting down the days lớn leave your job but don’t let that show in your resignation letter. Maintain a positive tone and diplomatic wording. You never know what the future holds, và you may want to lớn work for the kemhamysophie.company again in the future, or you could find yourself applying for a job where your current manager is part of the hiring team. It can be a small world in business, and your resignation letter shouldn’t burn bridges for the future.

If you’re unsure about the tone of your letter, read it khổng lồ a trusted friend to get a second opinion, and edit the wording if necessary before forwarding it lớn your manager.