10 simple icebreakers for kids: elementary students edition


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Ice Breaker Games for Kids

Below you can find a danh sách of fun ice-breakergames for kids that will help them get lớn know each other. So, if you have agroup of kids who are new và want lớn “break the ice” as they say, these icebreaker activities should help!

What is an Ice Breaker Game?

Ice breaker activities and games are generallyused when you have a group of people who don’t know each other. Ice breakergames generally involve introductions, question games, và team building activities.

Bạn đang xem: 10 simple icebreakers for kids: elementary students edition

Why are Icebreaker Games greatfor Students?

Young children và students can sometimes be shy meeting new people, especially when in a large group. Ice breaker games help lớn calm the nerves by getting their minds off the fact that they don’t know anyone. By the time kids và students play a few ice breaker games, you should notice a change in their behavior and the way they act with the others.

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14 Fun Ice Breaker Games for Kids và Students

Here are some fun icebreaker games for kidsand students that you will love!

1. Find your partner

What you will needIndex cardsSafety pins

How to lớn playHave names of characters written out ahead of time on the index cards. Disney characters are a great one lớn use or well-known movies and TV shows. Attach one of the index cards lớn each one of the child’s back while they stand in a line. When you are ready have the children mingle và ask each other questions about their characters in “yes” or “no” form. The children will try to lớn figure out who they are while also looking around the room for their character partner.

Possible idea’s

Charlie Brown & SnoopyMicky Mouse và Mini Anna and Elsa Simba và Nala

Example QuestionsAm I alive? Am I a cartoon?Am I a girl? vì chưng I have powers? Am I an animal?

2. Ice breaker bingo

What you will needBingo BoardsClip BoardsPencils

How lớn playIn this Ice Breaker game, each child has a bingo board with a đoạn phim board, the object of the trò chơi is lớn cover your bingo board with other signatures. The first child to have 5 in a row wins. To be able to lớn fill up a bingo square with a signature, a child has lớn successfully answer a yes question. Th children can only sign one square on each person bingo board. You can find already created bingo sheets online or you can create your own.

3. Never have I ever

How khổng lồ playChildren will sit in a circle holding 10 fingers up, one child will start by saying “never have I ever” và then something they have never done. If children in the circle have done what the other child has not, then they put down a finger. Whoever has all their fingers down first wins. This is a great way to lớn have the children get to lớn know one another by asking questions and seeing what others have and have not done.

Possible questionsNever have I ever…Been on an airplaneHad a dogBeen lớn AmericaRode a bike Had any brothers

4. Two truths and a lie

What you will needIndex cardsPencils

How to playThis is one of the most interesting ice breaker games for kids. Children will be given an index card with 3 numbers on it. At each number the children need to lớn write two things about themselves that are true và one thing about themselves that is not true. The children will stand in front of everyone và say their two truths and a lie in any order trying not lớn laugh when they say their lie. The other children will have to guess which of the 3 answers is not true. This is a fun way khổng lồ get children thinking about themselves & coming up with a fun way lớn try & trick other children.

ExampleMy favorite food is pizza (T)I have 5 sisters and one brother (L)I live on a farm (T)

5. Conversation cubes

What you will needThis ice breaker game for kids can be purchased off Amazon

How khổng lồ playThe game comes with 6 soft foam dice and 36 conversation starters on them. There is many different ways to lớn play this trò chơi but often times the easiest way for new children getting to know one another is by having the children sit in a circle, each child rolls the dice và then reads và answers the question on the cube. To get all of the children involved, encourage the children khổng lồ make comments on what conversation the other child has just answered.

6. Getting lớn know you

What you will needA beach ball with questions written out on them

How to lớn playThe children will get into a circle và toss the ball khổng lồ one another. Make sure all children are getting a turn to catch and throw the ball. Whichever question the child’s “right thumb” lands on is the question they will answer.

Possible questionsHow many siblings vị you have?Where vày you live?What is your favorite movie? What are you scared of? What is your favorite holiday?

7. Mix & meet

What You Will NeedA bowl of M&M’s

How to playEach màu sắc of M&M will have its own meaning. Red- FamilyBlue- MoviesGreen- HobbiesYellow- FriendsOrange- SchoolEach child grabs a handful of M&M’s, the children can separate their M&M’s into colors và count how many of each they have. However, many blue ones they have will be how many facts they have to lớn say about movies, however many red ones they have will be how many facts they have to lớn say about their Family. At the over the children can eat their M&M’s. You can play more than once by changing the meaning of each màu sắc and adjusting it lớn age level.

8. Name relation games

How lớn PlayEveryone will sit in a circle facing each other. One person will start by saying their name and a food that begins with the first letter of their name, the next person repeats what the first person says & then adds their own food. Each child has khổng lồ remember what everyone in front of themes food was. You can switch up the game by playing with different themes such as movies, books và hobbies. Whoever in the group can make it all the way around without messing up wins.

9. Tell me a story

How khổng lồ PlayAll the children will sit in a circle, one child will start with 4 words khổng lồ start a sentence. For example, “once upon a time”, each person will have to địa chỉ a word onto the person in front on them. The object is khổng lồ create a funny sentence by adding words but also remembering what the full sentence is. This is a fun way khổng lồ get the children thinking about words & how lớn make sentences funny but also khổng lồ relate khổng lồ the children around them.

10. Where bởi you stand

What You Will NeedA large area and some chalk or masking tape.

How to lớn PlayMake two lines on the ground, one at either end of the room. The children will stand in the middle of the room và the facilitator will gọi out two words while pointing to lớn each line, the children then have khổng lồ choose which category they lượt thích better and choose that line to go stand on. This will help children better known other students interests that are similar to theirs. Often times it will strike up conversations on what they both like.

Ideas for line categoriesPizza or mashed potato’s Cats or dogsApples or pearsBeaches or mountains Writing or reading

11. Shoe talk

What you will needShoes

How khổng lồ playSplit the children up into two groups. One of the groups will put one of their shoes into the middle of the floor, the other group will come pick up one of the shoes and then finds the person the shoe belongs to. Give the children in the pair 1 minuet khổng lồ ask 3 questions about them. After one minute each pair will have khổng lồ state one thing they learned about that person. To lớn switch pairs, have one of the groups find a new shoe to steal. This practices good listening skills while learning about their new friends.

12. Whip that smile off your face

How lớn playChildren will sit in a circle and one person will start the game, this person will smile there biggest, ugliest, funniest smile while trying khổng lồ make the other children laugh. The children must be silent while doing this và can only smile. The object of the game is it get everyone in the circle to laugh at your smile, when the children laugh at the person making the funny smile, they get a point, then the child wipes the smile off their face and passes it khổng lồ the next person. This is a fun way khổng lồ be silly but also confident with the people around you.

13. Silent interview

How to lớn playThis ice breaker game for kids is best played with older children due to lớn it being a charades game. Split the children up into partners, have the children introduce themselves. The facilitator will explain khổng lồ the children that they have 3 minuets lớn tell their partner 3 things about them without speaking. This includes no whispering, mouthing words or making sounds.Once the time is up, điện thoại tư vấn the children back with their pairs and have them introduce each other by saying the three things they learned. If the children are younger you can vày this as a full group activity instead of in pars. This activity is a fun way khổng lồ engage children in explaining themselves by using thinking and gestures.

14. You, me, left, right

How to lớn playStudents will khung a circle; the facilitator will be the person calling the actions. Each child will introduce themselves to lớn the person to lớn the right và left of them. The facilitator will point to someone in the circle and say “you” “me” “left” or “right” và then count to lớn five at a reasonable pace. The child who is being pointed lớn must correctly name the person before the caller counts khổng lồ five. Once the children have played a few times, địa chỉ cửa hàng another caller to the mix lớn make it more fun.

Know any other Fun Ice Breaker Games for Kids?

Do you know any other Ice Breaker Activities for kids? If you have played or know of any other fun Ice Breaker Games for Kids that we can địa chỉ cửa hàng to the danh sách let us know!