Ma boy (tv mini series 2012

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What really caught my attention before watching this drama was the fact that this was not a usual girl dresses as boy gender-bender, but that the boy disguises himself as a girl this time. I loved the comedy and the characters, as well as how most of them progressed throughout the drama. It"s a really refreshing story. Although its short, I loved the progression; while others might argue it was rushed. The fact that the main character is so young really amazed me, I had no idea how old she was until after I finished watching Ma Boy, she does a great job & her acting skills are superb. This is a very cute & light-hearted drama,and I will definitely be re-watching it sometime in the future, and recommend it khổng lồ anyone looking for something short & sweet.

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Watching this drama and rating it would depend on one"s mood and/or liking.In my case, I was in a mood for a low-key-rom-com drama which does not require me to think too much. Ta-da! Ma Boy was perfect. I couldn"t help myself from smiling from one episode khổng lồ another. I may like the drama but of course it is far from being perfect. There are scenes that made me want khổng lồ cringe and fast forward due khổng lồ unnecessary airtime of mischief but since this is supposed to be a light story... I sucked it all in & enjoyed the whole show for what it could offer. Be reminded that this is a high school gender bender story where Boy Dresses up as a Girl while Girl keeps his secret for him. It"s light, funny & cute. Not to forget that the boy is really good looking và dances so well. Music wise, as per young k-pop idol themed drama - you already know what to lớn expect... But wait! There"s more. The drama may be light but the characters has their own story to tell. Thus making this drama more interesting than what the plot line let"s us perceive. I also lượt thích the fact that the young actors & actresses suits their role. Who wouldn"t fall for the plain looking girl paired up to lớn pretty boy scenario without the perfect casting? Even the mean trio of male/female fans for each idol was the right fit. I couldn"t imagine anyone else being casted for the roles, including the main ones.I am surely recommending this for those who"s craving for something light, cute và funny to lớn watch.

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