

Improve sầu your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from kemhamysophie.com.

Bạn đang xem: Order

Learn the words you need khổng lồ communicate with confidence.

the way in which people or things are arranged, either in relation khổng lồ one another or according to a particular characteristic:
I can"t find the tệp tin I need because they"re all out of order (= they are no longer arranged in the correct way).
an official instruction telling someone what they can or cannot bởi, or a written instruction lớn a bank khổng lồ pay money lớn a particular person
He put his affairs in order (= made arrangements for his personal & business matters) before he went into the hospital.

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After some heated discussion, the chairperson called the meeting lớn order (= told everyone lớn stop talking so that the meeting could continue).
an expression used in a parliament or a formal meeting to lớn get people"s attention & make them stop talking, so that the meeting or discussion can start or continue
a group of people who join together for religious or similar reasons and live sầu according lớn particular rules:
We use so that and in order that khổng lồ talk about purpose. We often use them with modal verbs (can, would, will, etc.). So that is far more common than in order that, và in order that is more formal: …
< + two objects > There are no shirts left in this size but we could order one for you/order you one.
If a person in authority orders someone lớn vì something, or orders something to lớn be done, they tell someone to lớn bởi vì it:
the way in which people or things are arranged in relation khổng lồ one another or according to a particular characteristic:
I can’t find the files I need because they’re all out of order (= they are not arranged in the correct way).
Already, the US aeronautics company has accumulated its biggest-ever backlog of orders - valued at $475 million.



