15 fun activities for present simple/present continuous


ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Activity - Writing, Listening và Speaking - Elementary (A1-A2) - 35 minutes

This không lấy phí present simple & present continuous activity helps to lớn illustrate to lớn elementary students how the present simple và present continuous tense are different và how lớn ask và answer questions using each tense. Working together, students prepare the present simple & present continuous yes/no questions together with possible follow-up questions for the items on the worksheet. Students then go around the class and ask each other the present simple và present continuous yes/no questions from the worksheet. When a student finds someone who answers "Yes, I do" or "Yes, I am" to a question, the student writes down their name & asks a follow-up question to lớn gain more information, noting down the answer in the last column. When everyone has finished, students give feedback lớn the rest of the class on what they found out by making present simple và present continuous statements.

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ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheet - Writing Exercises - Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) - 30 minutes

Here is a story-based worksheet lớn help students practice the present simple & present continuous. Students begin by reading the first part of the story và then answering questions about it using the present simple. Students then read the next part of the story và write present continuous questions for a phối of answers. Next, students complete the following part of the story with the present simple or present continuous khung of the verbs in brackets. In the last exercise, students put words in the correct order khổng lồ complete the story.

Interactive Version - In the present simple vs. Present continuous interactive worksheet, students complete a range of exercises khổng lồ practice the present simple and present continuous tense together.

ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Activity - Grammar Exercise: Writing Questions from Prompts - Group work - Speaking: Information Gap, Asking và Answering Questions from Prompts - Pair work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes

In this present simple & present continuous information gap activity, students write & then ask present simple & present continuous questions in order lớn complete missing information in an email. In two groups, students read the email on their worksheet and write the present simple and present continuous questions they need to lớn ask khổng lồ complete the missing information. Next, students pair up with someone from the other group and take it in turns to lớn ask and answer the questions they have prepared. The students write the answers in the spaces in the email. When the students have finished, they kiểm tra their answers by comparing worksheets.

Interactive Version - In this present simple & present continuous breakout room activity, pairs of students complete missing information in an thư điện tử by writing và then asking present simple và present continuous questions.

ESL Present Simple và Present Continuous Activity - Writing, Listening và Speaking - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this miễn phí present simple vs. Present continuous activity, students write questions on various topics using both tenses. The students then ask và answer the questions with a partner. In pairs, students look at prompts on cards and write one question in the present simple và one in the present continuous for each one. The students then take it in turns khổng lồ ask và answer the questions with their partner. Afterwards, the students nói qua what they found out about their partner with the class.

ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheet - Grammar Exercises: Matching, Identifying, Writing Sentences, Error Correction, Gap-fill - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this grammar reviews worksheet, students revise the present simple and present continuous tense. Students start by using phrases lớn write grammar rules for the present simple and the present continuous. Next, students look at a set of time expressions & decide which ones are used with the present simple và which are used with the present continuous. Students then move on to answer questions in the present simple or present continuous, according lớn the time expression used in each question. After that, students rewrite sentences, correcting the mistakes. In the last exercise, students complete sentences with verbs in their present simple or present continuous form.

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Interactive Version - In this grammar reviews interactive worksheet, students revise the present simple and the present continuous.

ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Activity - Grammar Exercise: Writing Questions from Prompts - Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts - Pair work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

This present simple vs. Present continuous activity helps students practice forming and answering questions in the present simple & present continuous tense. In two groups, students complete questions on the worksheet in the present simple or present continuous tense using verbs in brackets. After that, the students pair up with someone from the other group. The students then take it in turns lớn ask & answer the questions with their partner, paying close attention to lớn the tense of each question. Afterwards, the students share what they found out about their partner with the class.

Interactive Version - In this present simple vs. Present continuous breakout room activity, students complete present simple & present continuous questions & then practice asking và answering the questions with a partner.

ESL Present Simple & Present Continuous Activity - Writing, Listening và Speaking - Intermediate (B1) - đôi mươi minutes

In this present simple vs. Present continuous speaking activity, students take part in a business interview to practice asking và answering questions in the present simple và present continuous. In pairs, one student takes on the role of a journalist and the other takes on the role of Elon Musk. The journalist"s task is to lớn interview Elon Musk to lớn find out about his work routine, current projects, plans và goals, & make notes on his answers. The student who is Elon Musk uses the information on the worksheet to answer the journalist"s questions. The students prepare what they are going lớn say, paying close attention khổng lồ which parts of the interview will be in the present simple and which parts will be in the present continuous. The students then role-play the interview. Afterwards, students report back to the class on their interviews. As an extension, the pairs write a short news article in the present simple và present continuous based on the interview.

ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Activity - Grammar Exercises: Gap-fill, Writing sentences from Prompts - Speaking Activity: Guided Discussion, Freer và Communicative Practice, Short Presentation - Group work - Intermediate (B1) - 45 minutes

In this present simple and present continuous activity, students create a company by completing & answering questions in the present simple & present continuous. First, students complete questions on the worksheet in the present simple or present continuous. Next, in groups, students create a company by inventing answers to lớn the questions on the worksheet. In their groups, the students discuss each question in turn và write an answer in sentence khung using the present simple or present continuous. When the groups have finished, they take it in turns lớn present their company using the information they created.

Interactive Version - In this breakout room activity, groups of students create a company by completing và answering present simple & present continuous questions.

ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous trò chơi - Speaking: Forming Sentences from Prompts, Guessing - Group work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

In this entertaining present simple and present continuous game, students describe present simple or present continuous sentences for other students lớn guess. In groups, students take it in turns to lớn pick up a card & describe the sentence on the card using present simple or present continuous phrases. Students can use the verb on the thẻ but they are not allowed lớn say the sentence or clusters of words within the sentence. For example, if the card read "I get up late on Sunday", the student might say "Monday lớn Saturday, I get up at 6 a.m. The other day, I get up at 11 a.m. I lượt thích to sleep in on that day". The other group members listen and then try lớn guess the sentence. The first group thành viên to correctly guess the sentence wins và keeps the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the trò chơi is the winner.