The walking dead recap heads up all along the watchtower

AMC"s The Walking Dead figured out just how far they can push major plot points this season before rewarding audiences for their patience; it seems lớn be about a three-episode grace period before things get ugly. And it should go without saying for any of our recaps, but if you aren"t caught up with tonight"s episode of The Walking Dead, consider this your strong spoiler warning và turn bachồng now, or risk the major reveals of "Heads Up" being ruined for you.

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Now that that"s out of the way, it"s time to lớn turn khổng lồ this episode"s biggest moment - và its very first scene: the appearance of Glenn, very much alive sầu. Yeah it all worked out exactly as most fans thought it would, with Nicholas" body landing on top of Glenn"s after his suicidal fall from atop the dumpster. Yes, those were Nicholas" guts being pulled out, & yes, Glenn did pull himself to lớn safety under the very same dumpster. While I"m not a big tín đồ of the way the writers/directors staged this scene - or how the show"s creative forces purposefully misled viewers rather than just staying noncommittal - I am glad lớn have sầu Glenn baông xã.

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We"ll take a bit of a departure from the normal way we vì things on the recap & take a look at this hour from the perspective of the main characters instead. Since we"re already with Glenn, we might as well stick with hlặng. He"s responsible for staying alive by killing a pile of Walkers around him on either side of the dumpster so the others couldn"t get lớn hyên, but Enid is actually the one who shows up to lớn keep hlặng hydrated & give sầu hlặng the bad news about Alexandria. It"s a weird pairing that didn"t quite work for me; Enid"s stubbornness to lớn answer a straight question really gets under my skin. They share a similar backstory of being orphaned thanks to Walkers (or at least that"s what Glenn tells Enid), which makes sense considering they develop a sort of big brother/little sister relationship. And though they find the way inkhổng lồ Alexandria blocked by a massive sầu wall of Walkers, at least they use their smarts to lớn signal their relative sầu safety to lớn their waiting friends by way of a bunch of balloons. It"s a very hopeful moment that occurs just seconds before the episode"s most soul-crushing event; more on that in a moment.

While Walkers are surrounding the gates và the Alexandrians are staving off suicidal thoughts, Rick"s busy securing and reinforcing the perimeter. Oh, & he takes every opportunity khổng lồ reestablish his dominance in the town. When Deanna brings hyên plans for Alexandria"s future expansion, he tells her that he"s got bigger problems. He rips down Gabriel"s postings announcing a prayer circle. When Spencer tries lớn shimmy his way out of town to safety - và nearly gets torn apart in the process - Riông xã treats hyên ổn lượt thích a child (deservedly so, though he had no right yelling at Tara) và tells hyên ổn to lớn kiểm tra with hyên next time he plans on doing something stupid. He even pulls rank on Morgan by putting his new-found pacifism to lớn an idealogical test: Can Morgan keep his hands clean while his friends are dying all around him? It"s a question that will certainly be answered this season one way or another. The only decent thing Riông xã seems khổng lồ vì chưng in this episode is train Jessie"s son Ron how khổng lồ use a handgun, but that will likely kết thúc badly since we soon see Ron stealing bullets from the armory and stalking Carl through the deserted streets with a drawn gun...

the-walking-dead-season-6-episode-7-image-chandler-riggs Image via AMC
So while Riông xã is enforcing his Ricktatorship & Rosita"s attempting to lớn train the Alexandrians in the Art of War (using a machete), Morgan is busy trying to lớn save one of their enemies. He stops by Denise"s clinic not once, but twice, unsure if he"s willing lớn drag her into something she may want no part of. When he finally admits lớn wanting to lớn use some antibiotics to lớn treat the injured Wolf - "All Life Is Precious" - Denise agrees and goes with him. Too bad the sly Carol follows Morgan & knows he"s up lớn something. She"s already ratted his pacifist ways out to Riông xã once before, so this will likely be strike two for the bo staff-wielding peace-loving warrior.

With the exception of Glenn"s appearance, "Heads Up" was pretty light on drama right up until the end. The Alexandrians continue to vày stupid things while Riông xã & his people pull their asses out of the fire; Eugen is perpetually stuông xã somewhere in the middle. But throughout the episode, the camera continues khổng lồ linger on the town"s watchtower which was damaged in the Wolves" attaông chồng on Alexandria. First it creaks và groans, then the craông xã splinters và widens, then it leans precariously over the wall. It would be bad enough for this building to come down when the townsfolk are so ill-prepared, but it"s made even worse since the event happens just moments after they see Glenn"s balloon signal. So as the watchtower falls và wipes out a significant portion of the Alexandrian wall, it opens up a very juicy opportunity for the Walker herd lớn come streaming in.

Next week"s mid-season finale "Start lớn Finish" is probably going to be an insane hour - và hopefully it"s enough to tide you over until the mid-season premiere on February 14th... - but I"m amazed at how much (and at the same time how little) has happened in this first half of the season. We"ve sầu had plenty of episodes that focus on either one character or a small sub-section of the cast but with the exception of Morgan"s flashbachồng episode they have all stemmed directly from the failed attempt to lớn reroute the Walker herd. Because of that failure, the dominos have fallen all season long, with the biggest one taking out the town"s best defense in this very episode. All Hell is about to break loose; the question is: Will Alexandria survive?

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the-walking-dead-season-6-episode-7-image-melissa-mcbride Image via AMC
Rating: ★★★ Good 



Sorry, Glenn, there"s no one left to deliver that message khổng lồ.

How the hechồng long was Enid outside the walls anyway? A couple of nights?

Rick: “Morgan! We have khổng lồ talk, we should, but later. Alright?”

Rick: “We’ve sầu come baông chồng from harder things, from further away.”

“Prayer Circle by the Solar Panels Today at 1:00PM”

Carl: “You have sầu to lớn be strong enough khổng lồ wait for your bullet.”

Morgan: “All life is precious.”

Morgan: “I don’t want to lớn let that idea go.” Michonne: “You might have lớn. Things aren’t as simple as four words; I don’t think they ever were.”

Eugene: “I’m a weapons novice holding a significant blade here and there are people in my proximity wearing open-toed shoes.” Euren has the best lines và Josh McDermitt is the only one who can deliver them quite the way he does.

That rivulet of blood from outside the wall is very disconcerting but Richồng & the others don"t seem all that bothered by it...

Enid: “The world is trying to lớn die. We’re supposed to lớn just let it.”

Spencer: “Lost a damn shoe. Crap.”

Denise: “FWoPP’RS. Fever, warmth, pus, pain redness…“ Morgan: “What’s the last one?” Denise: “…swelling?”

I love sầu that Carol took Baby Judith on a spy mission with her.

Sam: “What happens if you can’t live with it?” Carol: “I told you, it eats you up.” Sam: “The people who came, were they the monsters? Did my dad turn inkhổng lồ one?” Carol: “What?” Sam: “If you kill people, vì you turn into one of the monsters?” Carol: “The only thing that keeps you from becoming a monster is killing.”

the-walking-dead-season-6-episode-7-image-seth-gilliam Image via AMC

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