Use the on

Chris HoffmanEditor-in-Chief

Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He"s written about công nghệ for over a decade và was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The new york Times and Reader"s Digest, been interviewed as a giải pháp công nghệ expert on TV stations lượt thích Miami"s NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets lượt thích the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read nearly one billion times---and that"s just here at How-To Geek. Read more...

Bạn đang xem: Use the on

About How-To Geek
UpdatedJul 4, 2017, 1:51 pm EDT| 3 min read

Windows offers an on-screen keyboard that lets you type even if you don’t have access to a physical keyboard. It’s particularly useful with a cảm biến screen, but you can also use it khổng lồ type with a mouse–or even to type with a trò chơi controller from your couch.

On Windows 10 và 8, there are actually two on-screen keyboards: the basic cảm ứng keyboard you can bring up from the taskbar, and a more advanced on-screen keyboard in the Ease of Access settings. We’ll show you how to mở cửa both.

Windows 10

To quickly access the keyboard from the taskbar on Windows 10, right-click the taskbar and ensure the “Show cảm biến keyboard button” option in the context thực đơn is enabled.


You’ll see a keyboard icon appear near your system tray, or notification area. Click that icon or tap it with your finger to pull up the on-screen keyboard.



Once you’ve opened the on-screen keyboard you can tap or click the buttons khổng lồ send keyboard input. It works just lượt thích a normal keyboard would: select a text field by clicking or tapping in it and then use the on-screen buttons with your finger or mouse.

The icons in the top-right corner allow you to lớn move or enlarge the keyboard. The keyboard button at the bottom of the on-screen keyboard allows you lớn select different layouts.


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There’s also a more advanced on-screen keyboard, which is part of the Ease of Access settings. Lớn access it, xuất hiện the Start menu và select “Settings.” Navigate lớn Ease of Access > Keyboard & activate the “On-Screen Keyboard” option at the đứng top of the window.

This keyboard includes quite a few more keys, and functions more like a traditional, full PC keyboard than the cảm biến keyboard does. It’s also a normal desktop window that you can resize & minimize, unlike the new touch keyboard. You’ll find some additional options you can use lớn configure it if you click the “Options” button near the bottom-right corner of the keyboard. You can sạc pin it lớn your taskbar lượt thích you would any other program if you’d like to launch it more easily in the future.


You can also access this keyboard on Windows 10’s sign-in screen. Click the “Ease of Access” button at the bottom-right corner of the sign-in screen–to the left of the power nguồn button–and select “On-Screen Keyboard” in the menu that appears.

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Windows 8 and 8.1

Windows 8 and 8.1 work similarly khổng lồ Windows 10, but the toolbar option is in a slightly different place. Khổng lồ access it, right-click your toolbar, point to “Toolbars,” and ensure “Touch Keyboard” is checked.

You’ll then see a cảm ứng keyboard icon appear lớn the left of your system tray, or notification area. Click or tap it to mở cửa the cảm ứng keyboard.



You can also mở cửa the traditional on-screen keyboard on these versions of Windows, too. To vị so, right-click the Start button on the taskbar on Windows 8.1, or right-click in the bottom-left corner of your screen on Windows 8. Select “Control Panel.” In the Control Panel window, click “Ease of Access,” click “Ease of Access Center,” and then click “Start On-Screen Keyboard.”

You can pin sạc the keyboard khổng lồ your taskbar to access it more easily in the future, if you like.


You can also access the on-screen keyboard on Windows 8’s sign-in screen. Click or tap the “Ease of Access” icon at the bottom-left corner of the sign-in screen & select “On-Screen Keyboard” in the thực đơn that appears to xuất hiện it.

Windows 7

On Windows 7, you can xuất hiện the on-screen keyboard by clicking the Start button, selecting “All Programs,” and navigating lớn Accessories > Ease of Access > On-Screen Keyboard.

You’ll also find a “Start On-Screen Keyboard” button in the Control Panel’s Ease of Access Center, but that does the same thing as launching the keyboard directly.


For easier access in the future, you can right-click the “On-screen keyboard” icon on your taskbar & select “Pin this program khổng lồ taskbar.”



It doesn’t look quite as slick as it does on Windows 8 và 10, but the on-screen keyboard works similarly. Select a text field & start typing with your mouse, finger, or whatever other input device you have.


To use the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7’s sign-in screen, click the “Ease of Access” button at the bottom-left corner of the screen and kiểm tra the “Type without the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard)” option in the danh sách that appears.

The on-screen keyboard is for more than just typing text. Keyboard shortcuts work on it, too, just as they would on a physical keyboard. Click or tap a modifier key–like the Shift or alt keys–and it’ll stay “pressed down” until you select the next key you want to lớn type.

Chris HoffmanChris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He"s written about công nghệ for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The thành phố new york Times and Reader"s Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations lượt thích Miami"s NBC 6, và had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read nearly one billion times---and that"s just here at How-To Geek. Read Full Bio »